Abstract: This article is the first from a set where we going to discuss several aspects of building distributed information systems using Delphi 7 and Indy.
Originally published Borland Developer Network.
Copyright 2003 by Serge Dosyukov
After the publication of Building a stand-alone Web service with Indy in Delphi 7 – Part I and II, we got many e-mails about how to use our techniques and how to build n-tier distributed systems in Delphi 7. These questions gave me an idea to extend our articles and add more information.
As a result, I want to present this article. For now, I plan to have 6 parts where 2 of which have been published already.
I’m going to discuss how to build simple and more complex n-tier applications using Delphi 7, Indy 9, DataSnap, and SOAP.
There is a list that will lead you to a particular article:
- Part I. Introduction
- Part II. Building a stand-alone Web service with Indy in Delphi 7
- Part III. How to use multiple SOAPDataModules in your Web service
- Part IV. Using multiple TSOAPDatamodules or multiple TDataModules by Mike Pham
- Part V. Combining SOAP DataModules and SOAP Interfaces within your server logic.
- Part VI. A dynamic model for your business logic. Using the Plug-In model with your WebServices.
Tiers. What does this mean?
We hear this word every day in a different context: monolithic application, Client/Server, 2-tier, 3-tier, n-tier.
The 1-tier architecture or monolithic application.
Let’s look at the next diagram:

Our application contains all the code necessary to deal with user interface, data processing, and database communication. The logic here is not separated by functionality and can lead us to a situation when we can duplicate a code over and over to access to same data objects. Because data access and business logic are duplicated, any changes in one of them will require similar changes to be replicated in others.
To do not repeat a definition, again and again, let’s specify some words:
- Presentation Logic – User Interface, allows us to present our data to a user and accepts input for the user to change a data
- Business Logic – allows perform validation of new data and ensures what data could be applied to a database
- Data Access Logic – implements database access, sending and retrieving information from the physical database. Could vary between different database systems.
The 2-tier architecture.
Here we are splitting our application into two parts (tiers). Usually, we will see the next schema:

Remember a definition for Data Access Logic? Because you would like to allow your application to use different Database Systems it means your access logic could be changed between them to optimize access and/or implement structures not available in some of them.
And this schema allows you to do this. You could have the same presentation and just by changing the content of the data access tier you could switch different DBS.
The 3-tier architecture.
One more split and we got a system we are looking for:

We have each piece of the original schema as a separate layer.
The main advantage of this structure over 2-tier is a business logic encapsulated as a separate object and could be shared among many different components on the presentation level. Any changes on the business level can be made in one place and instantly available throughout the whole application.
For this structure, we must remember that the stability of the whole system is defined by stability and how accurate interfaces between different tiers are defined. This will allow making any changes in the logic of a tier without affecting a code in others. An example of this could be switching between Windows-based and web-based clients.
At this point, we got all we need: we redesign our application to have all pieces of our logic split up into different layers, and we can work on different code platforms and with different DB systems. We achieve our goals! But the application still most likely will work on one computer. It still requires all resources and could perform one task at a time (until you run multiple instances or implement multi-threading, we not going to discuss this method here). What could we do?
Use resources available on your network! And here n-tier comes into play.
Web-resource searchWebServices.com Definitions gives us the next definition for N-tier:
An n-tier application program is one that is distributed among three or more separate computers in a distributed network. The most common form of n-tier (meaning ‘some number of tiers’) is the 3-tier application, in which user interface programming is in the user’s computer, business logic is in a more centralized computer, and needed data is in a computer that manages a database. N-tier application structure implies the client/server program model. Where there are more than three distribution levels or tiers involved, the additional tiers in the application are usually associated with the business logic tier. In addition to the advantages of distributing programming and data throughout a network, n-tier applications have the advantages that any one tier can run on an appropriate processor or operating system platform and can be updated independently of the other tiers. Communication between the program tiers uses special program interfaces such as those provided by the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA).
The n-tier structure could be presented like this:

You can see that our Business Layer and Data Layer now are not monoblocks. They contain more than one piece and then could be moved to different computers on your network or even around the world via the Internet.
Yes, there are some.
You build your first n-tier application. You could use different tools (Delphi, C++Builder, Visual Basic, etc.) with different DB platforms (MSSQL, Oracle, Interbase) results could vary but something you will see in common Using this model you have to remember what design is very important. With n-tier structure interfaces between tiers must be static. If you start to change it every day, you will shoot yourself in a foot and return to a problem we trying to avoid from the beginning you will sit and patch your code every day.
Another point people miss very often is that n-tier doesn’t have to give you an increase in the speed of your application, especially when you are looking just at one process thread. Why? When we redesigned our application, we add some intermodular communication and object encapsulation. Two simple examples:
- code written in Assembler will always be faster than in any 3GL language – we add translation level (object representation)
- Program distributed between 3 computers will work slower than program executed on 1 computer – we add a communication limitation of our network resources.
So, are you disappointed? Please don’t be. It is very unusual these days when we have only one person working with a program in one area. You will most likely see your program act as a client run from different computers to access to central data storage. So, you will have similar processes run over and over. And here n-tier structure will work perfectly, allowing you to balance your process load and resources to get the best performance.
Please check our reference section for more information about n-tier.
Some implementation models of the n-tier applications.
In this part, I will present some of the ideas we look at before we choose our structure. I’m not going today to discuss a variety of possible implementations. You could always find the most suitable for you. Remember our 3-tier model? A little transformation and we add couple more layers to be able to publish our application via the HTTP server. As an HTTP server, you could choose one of the standard ones like IIS, Apache, or build your own using Indy components available in Delphi.

In the next article we will discuss how to build such a server, but for now, let’s just look at how else we could build our system. There will be no significant changes, but it will just show you that there is always the freedom of choice. Because of specifics of how WebServices works usually a model built on it means your server will be stateless.
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (09 FEB 02):
Stateless – A stateless server is one which treats each request as an independent transaction, unrelated to any previous request. This simplifies the server design because it does not need to allocate storage to deal with conversations in progress or worry about freeing it if a client dies in mid-transaction. A disadvantage is that it may be necessary to include more information in each request and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server each time.
An example of a stateless server is a World-Wide Web server. These take in requests ({URLs) which completely specify the required document and do not require any context or memory of previous requests.
Contrast this with a traditional FTP server which conducts an interactive session with the user. A request to the server for a file can assume that the user has been authenticated and that the current directory and transfer mode have been set.
As you can see it is not always could be acceptable or just introduces some overhead logic you could probably avoid. What could you do here? One of the solutions could be to use COM object as storage of your business logic. Then we will get the next schema:

You could see that a change isn’t so significant. But this could make the logic of your application simpler because the server became stateless, so you don’t have to worry to remember a prior state. This could work when information that you publish is not filtered based on user request or handled in some different way, such as a session unique for each user. So, when you have not so many users you could allow the system to have a COM object for each of your clients.
There are not so many changes you will need to make in what we will discuss, so I’m not going to discuss it here. If you have any problem with how to adjust a code, please contact me.