Gallery 3 Project Modules and Themes

Menalto Gallery 3 Project was a nice, free PHP based photo gallery engine few years back. It went into hibernation due to lack of support some years ago but still be used by number of sites.

There is an attempt to revive the project led by Brad Dutton here and forum here.

I did use the Gallery 3 myself in the past since Gallery 2 days but since moved to Piwigo.
After getting involved with development of v.3 of the Gallery and I went on creating many Modules and few Themes for my own use. They are preserved here for historical purposes.

GreyDragon Theme

This is a custom theme built from ground up, adding many extra options. Supports many color and frame packs. I have tried minimize use of JS as much as possible shifting focus on proper CSS instead.


  • Tested/designed for 1280×1024 screen resolution.
  • DIGG style paging in Albums and Individual Photo pages.
  • Requires ShadowBox or Fancybox module for image preview. Support for slideshow mode.
  • Over 30 options provided via theme’s Admin page.
  • Color Packs support. Included: greydragon, slateblue, wind, carbon, blackhawk.
  • Frame Packs support. Included: greydragon, android, book, darkglass, iphone, iphoto, simple, slide

Theme is free to use under GPL.


  Grey Dragon Theme 4.0.1 (428.6 KiB, 74,015 hits)


  • Download and unpack package into Gallery’s themes folder. Please make sure “greydragon” folder is not duplicated.
  • Login as Admin into your Gallery 3 instance and navigate to Admin\Appearance\Theme Choice
  • Activate GreyDragon theme
  • It is advised to visit Admin section of the theme and review provided options at Admin\Appearance\Theme Options

Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 7/8/9/10, Firefox 3.x, Opera, Chrome
Requires either Fancybox or Shadowbox modules to be installed and activated for popup-style image preview.
For more help deploying theme on your server refer to this great article about using themes inside Gallery 3.

Where to ask for support, report bugs and make feature requests?

Please post any requests in the appropriate plugin forum.

Like it?

If you like the theme or any other work done for G3 and would like to give back, here are some ways you can support future development:

  • Say few nice words on the forum.
  • Buy me a cup of coffee or two.
  • Spread the word about my plug-in by writing about it on your blog, tweeting, digging, stumbling, etc.
  • Use it, acknowledge my contribution by displaying copyright info

Donations (Thank you!)

You can donate to my coffee fund here.
Or you could send me an Amazon gift card (and I can buy a surprise for my wife encouraging her to allow continuing my involvement with the project). You will need my contact email address.

Full list of themes and modules for G3


  Grey Dragon Theme 4.0.1 (428.6 KiB, 74,015 hits)


  Grey Dragon Wind Theme 1.0.8 (142.1 KiB, 15,524 hits)

Modules: Sidebar Blocks:

  Clustrmap Module 1.7 (6.1 KiB, 3,788 hits)


  Gallery Stats Sidebar Module 1.1 (2.6 KiB, 6,210 hits)


  Image Block Ex 2.4 (73.3 KiB, 4,101 hits)


  Thumb Navigator Module 1.8 (7.1 KiB, 14,143 hits)

Modules: Other:

  Colorbox Integration (22.2 KiB, 3,314 hits)


  Fancybox Integration (59.3 KiB, 15,033 hits)


  Keyboard Navigation Support (3.5 KiB, 13,429 hits)


  RSS Feed Extra 1.7 (9.0 KiB, 3,570 hits)


  ShadowBox Support 1.9 (86.7 KiB, 10,792 hits)


  Slideshow Ex 1.5 (7.6 KiB, 6,359 hits)


  Wibiya (5.6 KiB, 2,027 hits)


Thank you, and I hope my work makes your gallery better and more popular!

Useful links

When working on optimizing my site the following information did help improving it further:


Randall · Sep 20, 2012 at 19:10

How did you integrate the slideshow on your homepage? I am looking for a non flash slide show like you have on your homepage.

Please Help.

Serguei Dosyukov · Nov 14, 2012 at 10:59

if you are talking about my photo gallery, I am using jQuery Cycle plugin –

Peter · Mar 19, 2014 at 06:39

How did you manage to have the home page photo to be displayed on the right side of the content area?

    Serguei Dosyukov · Mar 21, 2014 at 12:20

    Once you show Site description (checkbox under Theme’s option), it would be placed on the left

Pete · Mar 21, 2014 at 12:50

Thanks! It works…
On a side note, if one would like to remove the download option from the slideshow area, how do I disable this option?

    Serguei Dosyukov · Mar 21, 2014 at 13:27

    not sure what you mean by slideshow option
    anyway, to protect pictures it is really not really possible as people can always parse html code and find direct image link or make screenshot

Pete · Mar 21, 2014 at 14:46

When looking at the photo albums, there is an option on the top right to run a slide show. After clicking on the option, there is an option for watching the photos using cooliris 3D, and download if the user wants to download. I do not want people to use slide and download the photos.

Pete · Mar 21, 2014 at 15:01

I got it solved.By Disabling the slideshow on modules area, it disable the slideshow button.

Kmorwath · Jun 21, 2014 at 12:07

This is a great theme, by far the best I found for Gallery3, and with a lot of nice customization options easy to use, and very good integration with other modules.. Just a coupe of notes, though. I read the theme is tested for a 1280×1024 resolution, it is now pretty “low”. My main desktop monitor is 2560×1440 and many notebooks/tablets have comparable or even higher resolutions. It would be nice if the “bottom bar” would always be positioned at the bottom of the browser window (as an application status bar), and IMHO it would also be nice when a single picture is displayed, it is centered in its viewing area, instead of be aligned to the top, even when not shown in ColorBox or the like, more or less like Lightroom does. And maybe a similar combination of black/dark grey colors for different areas would be an interesting theme variation as well.
Thank you for the theme!

shirley · Jan 19, 2020 at 19:18

keep getting download errors

    Serguei Dosyukov · Jan 25, 2020 at 09:39

    for what link?

      shirley · Jan 26, 2020 at 16:44

      both of the links above for the dragon

      Grey Dragon Theme 4.0.1 (741.5 KiB, 72,805 hits)

      Grey Dragon Theme 4.0.1 (741.5 KiB, 72,805 hits)

    Serguei Dosyukov · Mar 15, 2020 at 12:29

    Download link for Gallery 3 GreyDragon Theme is fixed. Please note that it is 7z compression

J.R. · Sep 23, 2020 at 12:22

Been using GD 3.2.2 for 8 years on Gallery 3 — but where is this link to the current version of the theme you mentioned above on Mar 15, 2020? I can’t seem to find it… all I see is a link for 4.0.1 — and I thought you were up to 4.0.2 ?

I don’t know if you’re aware that the old G3 email support group is still very active on googlegroups now — and that some of the members lead by Brad Dutton have created a serious, stable upgrade that brings Gallery 3 up to php 7.4 compatabiity, replaces the old Flash-based image uploader with an HTML5 drop-and-drag function, updated Jquery libraries and a lot of other improvement. So ,good old Gallery 3 is still alive and kicking in 2020. Available at — and the link to the group is!forum/gallery-3-users

— J.R.

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