For some time I am using ClustrMaps service to track where people are coming from to my blog.
Since last November it is close to 22K visits today.
I would like to thank everybody for taking time and reading some of my postings.
I see a lot of attention received when it comes to Delphi. But I also see a growing number of people coming to read some of my other posts which are not otherwise visible via and I always welcome everyone and value their opinions.
What is interesting about the service is that anyone can easily see distribution of the visitors around the world – big continents and small islands, Internet is everywhere. I might missed a few spots on the maps (like Alaska, Guinea, and Antarctica (would you imagine Internet for fun there?)), but who knows, one day there could be visitors and from those remote locations.
Being very big, world become smaller every day as being more and more accessible. One day I hope to have a photo taken from every big place of Earth. And who knows, they sell tours into space nowadays…
Serge Dosyukov · Jul 1, 2008 at 15:06
It is a free service after all.
Somehow I was under impression that Google Ads used are actually sensitive to the content your site displays. I might be wrong.
To be fair, for $2 p/m you can get no ads and some other options.
Daniel Magin · Jul 1, 2008 at 13:08
hi serge,
i used also this cool tool clustrmaps. but then i get on click (in the free version) for details in the advertising banner area a advertising from Scientology. and this i can not accept or accept if a user click on it. this was the reason do drop it from my blog site.
Daniel Magin