Shoe master without shoes… Training kit which suppose to teach you about how software should be created fails with simple registration error.

One would think that with thousands if not million copies sold of various training materials software used/provided would be flawless. As it turned out, it is not true.

Yes, as programmers, we all know that deployment is a tough task and requires careful testing in all possible environments, especially when it comes to a “new” Operating System like Vista… hm, not too new already…

I am going through SQL Server 2005 Exam 70-431 and was kind of surprised to find out that after instalation of the Exam Prep program, it would not start with simple registration error

Run-Time Error -2147319779 (8002801d)
Automation Error
Library not registered

Do not waste your time reinstalling, or playing with Compatibility mode. First, it wouldn’t help. Second, it is all much simplier.
Yes, Google is your friend and in a few minutes you would find a simple solution.

Follow few simple steps:

  1. Open Command Prompt window
  2. Go to System32 or SysWOW64 (for 64 bit version) folder
  3. Locate file called Vsocx6.ocx.

    A little history: it is very old (copy I have was dated Aug 2001) ActiveX control library from VideoSoft – “: ) VideoSoft vsOcx6 Controls“. It contains just 3 controls: TvcElastic, TvsIndexTab, TvsAwk, and unfortunately, it is used by the Kit Exam Prep.

  4. Run the following command regsvr32 Vsocx6.ocx
  5. This is it, everything should work as expected.
  6. if not, try to turn off UAC and repeat from step 3.

 It should be handled by installation, but we can always help, especially when it comes to installing “old” software on Vista.


Sally · Jul 20, 2009 at 16:06

Thank you so much, It took me a while to find this article, but it was exactly what I needed

hirantha · Aug 2, 2009 at 01:20

Thanks a lot. It worked perfectly…

patsy kassner · Aug 14, 2009 at 17:12

hi I was just wondering if this fix works  for a script wrror I keep getting… it keeps asking yes or no…run script errors?

Jay · Sep 16, 2009 at 10:46

that a million!! saved me alot of headaches .

Tim Hoffer · Nov 28, 2009 at 14:11

man, I sure don’t know how you came up with this…..thanks a bunch!

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